Data Sources and Caveats
- All data included in this profile are in US dollars
- HIV coverage data (95-95-95) reflected in this profile are sourced from AIDS Info website and are based on data availability unless noted otherwise
- PEPFAR Financial Classification Reference Guide
- Implementation timeframe is US Government (USG) fiscal year (October 1st-September 30th)
- PEPFAR uses a cash basis of accounting for expenditure reporting
- Program management-implementation level is for PEPFAR-funded implementing partners
- Program management-donor level i.e., USG management and operations (M&O) is not included unless specified
- The level of disaggregation available for commodities in PEPFAR budgets is not available in PEPFAR expenditure data. Thus, these data were extrapolated by cross-tabulating three Cost Categories (Equipment > Health Equipment, Supplies > Health – Non-Pharmaceutical, Supplies > Pharmaceutical) and four program areas (C&T, HTS, PREV, SE). Both Service Delivery and Non-Service Delivery costs were included. Please see the HIV Resource Alignment Reference Guide for additional details.
- Budget data by cost categories is available 2021 onward
- Investment Profile tables for inclusion by PEPFAR country teams in their Strategic Direction Summaries (SDS) are available in the Supplementary Data section
- For PEPFAR Budgets, values included under "Applied Pipeline" and "Not Disaggregated" have been included in Program totals, but not in the disaggregations, so the sum of Program budget by category may not equal the Program budget total.
- Global Fund Modular Framework Handbook (Allocation Period 2023-2025)
- Global Fund Modular Framework Handbook (October 2019)
- Implementation timeframe is calendar year (January 1st-December 31st)
- Global Fund uses a modified accrual basis for expenditure reporting
- Global Fund budget and expenditure is as per the latest validated available data
- Resilient Systems Support for Health (RSSH) investments included are from HIV grants and are classified in the 'Above Site' category
- Budgets and expenditures data for Global Fund for MDR-TB, TB Care and Prevention, and COVID-19 modules are excluded. Program management costs related to TB could not be disaggregated, as well as program management costs related to COVID-19 activities in 2020
- Where disaggregated data for Global Fund are not available at the cost input level, amounts for Health Products - Equipment has been placed in Health Equipment; Health Products - Pharmaceutical Products has been placed in ARVs; Procurement & Supply Chain Management has been placed in Procurement Management
- Domestic government financing data, where available, are primarily sourced from Global Fund Funding Requests for Grant Cycle 7, and UNAIDS GAM reporting, PEPFAR&'s C/ROP Resource Alignment data verification process, National Health Accounts and National AIDS Spending Assessments. Some of these sources may reference the others.
- The Global Fund asks countries to submit HIV, TB and malaria financing landscape data to support funding requests. It is these data submitted by countries that contribute to domestic and external financing estimates in these country profiles. Anyone interpreting this data should be aware that it represents a best estimate by Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms of domestic and external financing and that some data may not be fully accurate or up to date and is not validated by the Global Fund.
- Implementation timeframe corresponds to the partner country government's fiscal year
- 2018-2019 expenditure data are sourced from National Health Accounts, National AIDS Spending Assessment, and/or Funding Requests submitted to the Global Fund
- 2018-2019 budget data are sourced from previous C/ROP Resource Alignment data verifications and/or Funding Requests submitted to the Global Fund
- Where available, aggregated program expenditures (2019-2022) and ARV expenditures (2019-2022) were sourced from the UNAIDS GAM.
- Disaggregated data, where available are reported to the Global Fund disaggregated either to the Global Fund Modular Framework, or National Strategic Plan costed categories,
- Care and Treatment budget or expenditure data may include ARVs where disaggregation is not available
- Program management-implementation level is program management and coordination associated with partner country government, unless noted otherwise
- Other funders data, where available, are primarily sourced from PEPFAR’s C/ROP Resource Alignment data verification process
- Other Funders exclude PEPFAR and the Global Fund data
DISCLAIMER: This is not an official U.S. Government web site and the information provided herein does not represent the views and positions of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, or Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).